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Shopping for Skin Care in Detail

Shopping for Skin Care in Detail: Don’t Believe the Hype

Don’t believe the hype continued…

Confusion !

Confused by the vastness of the skin care industry? Fear not. Read ahead!

When you first start learning about skin care, it’s very easy to be completely overwhelmed since brands often preach opposing doctrines. Some brands offer complete packages that supposedly address all your topical concerns, while others encourage you to mix and match. On top of all that, your friends are telling you not to buy from a particular brand, while others swear that it’s their secret weapon. I know, it can get pretty hairy. And after all that confusion, you look in the one place that so far, has been ignored: the worldwide Web. From videos that have millions of views to conversations between strangers on a forum, this new medium is teeming with information. But that’s it, isn’t it? There’s too much information. And without a regulating standard or code, which ones are reliable and accurate, and which ones are not? Eventually, some marketing tagline or logical reasoning ironically, will convince you that a product is perfect for you. Whether it be because your favorite celebrity uses it or that its claims sound scientifically intriguing, you’re going to go out there and hand over your hard-earned money to these companies.

And after beginning your regimen, you can tell that there’s a definite improvement in your skin. Therefore, you start believing in these brands and the products that they push. So the next time they push a product, you’re more and more likely to go out and buy it. And unfortunately, a lot of people just stop there for whatever reason. It could be because they’re satisfied with the level of improvement, or they simply don’t have the time or will to keep hitting the books.

Here’s the thing. Because skin care products rarely have ingredients that cause severely bad reactions, or they wouldn’t be included in a product, most people will believe that the products being used are well-formulated because they’re seeing a positive progression. However, what many people don’t realize is that the progression seen is just the result of having a regular skin care routine, not because the products themselves are good. Twenty, thirty years down the line, when the skin starts to irreversibly break down, it’d be too late. And of course, people will attribute all the wrinkles, spots, or whatever to age, diet, etc. and not to their skin care because they’ve always believed that the products were good. They may never realize that in fact, they weren’t even adequate. That’s what I’m here to change because what’s decided even before practicing skin care, will greatly shape what happens in the future, as with most things. Please note that genetics, age, and diet are major factors when it comes to how rapidly the skin ages. However, it would be quite honestly, moronic for someone to deny that the consistent use of reputable skin care products plays an irrevocably significant role in the senescence and aesthetics of the skin.

About John

The Triple Helixian is an unbiased science and research-based site that attempts to clarify and elucidate questions about skin care, while aspiring to be the most thorough and complete source of information.


4 thoughts on “Shopping for Skin Care in Detail: Don’t Believe the Hype

  1. Most definitely! Believing the hype is the same as taking to advice from consumers that don’t even read half the ingredients or any at all. I’m pretty sure most don’t look into the products they use as thoroughly as they should. Thank you, John, for helping so many of us out; your blog is truly wonderful.

    Posted by Janessa | January 16, 2013, 4:50 pm
  2. I agree with this post! And more often than not, the products they were using before were crap or mediocre (or more likely, more crap or mediocre).

    Also, I have a question, what does that “v x.xx” in the title indicate? You seem to use in every post.

    Posted by Victoria | November 29, 2011, 3:49 am
    • The “v x.xx” is simply my way of chronicling the posts in a given series or set. Not only does this make it easier to catalogue the posts, but can help readers who stumble on to a post that’s midway through a series navigate to the previous and next relevant topics. You might have also noticed that some series begin with v 0.01, while others begin with v 0.00. The ones that include the latter just mean that those series required a template or rubric in order express a certain continuous format or theme.

      I hope that helped and thanks for commenting!

      Oh and I have yet to decide if the “v” stands for version or volume. Not that it really matters since I’ll never type it all out. xD

      Posted by John | November 29, 2011, 12:03 pm

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